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Paku-chii Spirit (Coriander Spirit)
Paku-chii Spirit (Coriander Spirit) - Ginza Berlin
Paku-chii Spirit (Coriander Spirit)
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Download the image in the gallery viewer, Paku-chii Spirit (Coriander Spirit) - Ginza Berlin
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Paku-chii Spirit (Coriander Spirit)

DEN-EN Shuzo

Normal price 304,21 kr

Einzelpreis608,42 kr pro  l

incl. VAT plus shipping / delivery time: 2-4 working days

Dieser Kräutergeist ist nicht nur etwas für Koriander-Fans: Der Paku-chii Spirit besteht aus Pakuchi aus Kagoshima, der dort mit großer Sorgfalt und zudem pestizidfrei angebaut wird. Koriander erfreut sich seit einigen Jahren im Land der aufgehenden Sonne in Getränken überaus großer Beliebtheit. So auch in dieser Spirituose, die mit 35% vol abgefüllt wird und gänzlich ohne Verwendung von Zusatzstoffen wie Aromen oder Süßungsmitteln produziert wird. Ein absolut frisches Erlebnis!


The alcoholic base for Paku-chii Spirit is the finest Honkaku barley shochu, which has been aged for several years, and is therefore particularly mild and soft. Fresh Pakuchi is added in the second mash. Through this, the manufacturer DEN-EN Shuzo achieves a particularly refreshing and impressive taste and a powerful aroma. No additives, fragrances or sweeteners are added. The Pakuchi is grown in Kagoshima absolutely pesticide-free.

Cilantro has become increasingly popular in Japan in recent years and has also triggered a boom in the country's beverage world. Pakuchi chips, Pakuchi sweets and Pakuchi sauce are available, as are Pakuchi mojito, Pakuchi lassi and Paku-chii spirit.

This spirit is ideal for cocktails, but can also be enjoyed on the rocks or mixed with tonic, soda, tea or juice. The alcohol content is 35%.

Japanische Spirituose
Nettofüllmenge: 500 ml
Alk.: 35% vol
Abgabe nur an volljährige Personen 
Importeur: Ginza Berlin GmbH, Pfalzburger Straße 20, 10719 Berlin

About DEN-EN Shuzo

DEN-EN Shuzo was founded in Hiwakicho Tonohara in Kagoshima Prefecture in 1905. The distillery is considered a pioneer in the field of barrel-aged shochus. In 1956, the very first mugi (barley) shochu) in the country was barreled here. Since then, they have perfected this method through many experiments. DEN-EN Shuzo, for example, implemented the "Ongaku Jikomi" technique. For this, classical music is played to the shochu during production to speed up fermentation and improve aging in the barrel. Of course, classical music is also used in the production of the barrel-aged imo (sweet potato) shochu that DEN-EN worked on for 18 years. In addition to great shochu, DEN-EN also makes fine liqueurs and brandies.


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